Time to Get Social for Exhibition or Event Promotion

By: Alex Jones

Organizing and planning your business expo or event is difficult enough, let alone trying to get people to show up! Unfortunately, relying on the distribution of flyers, mail invites and word-of-mouth will not guarantee you the results of a successful event. Luckily, utilizing the power of social media allows you to expand your audience reach and generate buzz about your event online.

Here are some social media tactics that have remained relevant, as well as upcoming trends to be aware of:

  1. The Facebook basics

Creating a Facebook event is the most effective way to gain exposure, retain attention and manage engagement for your exhibition or event. When naming your event on Facebook, make sure it’s memorable and informative. Nobody wants to attend your dull sales networking event. Post, engage and update your audience with interactive and thought-provoking content to retain their interest

  1. Go viral with video 

Utilising video marketing in your expo promotion strategy can help to drive engagement for people who have already confirmed attendance, as well as persuade and create conversations for possible attendees. Try offering a teaser beforehand, which gives users a future look into an experience and that’s exciting!

  1. Event Hashtags

Easy to tweet out, share on Instagram and post on Facebook; hashtags are fluid throughout social media and all online platforms for that matter. Thousands of business exhibition and event campaigns use them.

The golden rules of using hashtags:

  1. Keep it short and memorable
  2. Use keywords related to your event
  3. Make it fun

Once you decide on a hashtag, include it in all your marketing materials before and during your event.

  1. A huge community available on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the perfect social platform if you are looking to spread the word about your event or exhibition in your industry. The easiest way to get your event out there is to post a status update. Make sure to include eye-catching visuals and consider how your event will add value to your network and express those ideas in your post. Reaching out to other professionals or partners directly is another effective way and may even generate leads to invite guest speakers! 

  1. A sneak look behind the scenes

Taking your followers behind the scenes into the secrets of your exhibition production, or even just providing an exclusive look backstage is great content to share leading up to, during and even after your event.

Why? Because it:

  • Humanizes your company
  • Creates engaging content that builds trust with your followers
  • Reveals how fun it is to work for your company

If you want to know more how social media can contribute to your success, please contact Dhirendra Singh at dhirendra@cimglobal.in or by phone: +91 124 461 7700.

.Source: www.tsnn.com